
pumpkin carving and preschool?

{Tinkerbell (stencil found here )and--what else?--John Deere}

Our first pumpkin carving experience was uneventful :) It was really hot outside and Nick and I did all of the carving....well, Nick did more, actually....I wrangled the kids.
Adelyn did not like the feeling of the inside of the pumpkin...she stuck her hand in once, freaked out, and that was it :)
Mason hung out in the exersaucer in the entryway...
Maybe next year when she is another year older, she'll like it a little more :)
She wanted a picture with the pumpkins....this night she was wearing one of my hairbands like this and kept running around saying she was "racin'"....
I made this recipe for carmelized pumpkin seeds with our carving "harvest". YUM.

Okay, so, an unrelated topic. Adelyn turns 3 at the beginning of January and is able to start preschool. I'm teedering on whether to send her or just wait until September. She LOVES going to play with her "friends" and "peoples" in the nursery when we go to MOPS, church, and MOPS bible study...and she LOVES going the kids center in the mornings when we go to the gym to play with her "peoples". I'm not worried about any separation anxiety....and she is toilet trained, so I'm not worried about that either. My hesitation is that once she is in school, she's in until she graduates high school! It's more of an issue with me, I guess....anyway....I have a few schools picked out and we are going to go visit...the other decision is Christian vs. Public.....the one I really like is not a Christian school, but the teachers are great and I've heard awesome things about them from ladies at MOPS.
Those of you with kids in school, when did you start your kiddos?


Katie and Bret Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 3:03:00 PM PDT  

Not a mom with kids in school, but as a former teacher ... It can never hurt to wait to send your kids. I always appreciated parents who waited to send their kids because they were generally more mature and "ready" for the things they are expected to do in school. And it usually made my job easier :)


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