
preschool (!!)

 My baby went to her first day of preschool yesterday...
I am so proud of her!
She had a blast and is ready to go back on Wednesday. :)
really, Mom? enough with the pictures.
Walking in, she was beyond excited....she kept tripping over her feet because it was like they wouldn't move fast enough ;)
at this point, she was ready to go play...I was definitely on her nerves :)
Nick took Mason with him to the field to ride in some tractors :), so I had the morning to myself. I got all of my cleaning and some laundry done. Go me :)
I was sick to my stomach thinking about my baby girl being in school. Where did the last 3 1/2 years go?!
I know Mason and I are going to have some great one on one time MWF form 8ish to 3ish (thankfully, she doesn't have to be there right at 8am and I can pick her up sooner if I need!) when she is at school...but she has been my constant companion for the last 3+ years! It's so wierd when she is gone for the day...
We are so proud of you, baby girl! We love you so much! :)



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