
we have arrived...

For the longest time people have been asking if we had a blog or were going to start one. I always said the day Nick joins in on the idea (which would be never), then we'd start one. After we found out we were pregnant, the question seemed amplified...people wanting a way to get updates on the baby and how we were doing...etc...
Today I am home with a nasty cold and decided to just do it. Why not start a blog. If people check it out, great...if not...I'll never know the difference.
So here is our--more like my--attempt to create this webpage about our life, thoughts and happenings. I have no creative titles or sayings....so bear with me.
I think Nick will agree to giving his 2 cents every once in a while....eventually.

In the meantime. Enjoy.


alan and steph Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 10:41:00 AM PDT  

awww.... we're so excited you've joined the blogging world. You're going to LOVE it. And we're going to love being able to read about your lives in anticipation for Ms. Baby Flies.


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