
visitors part 2: my mom

My mom came out to visit at the beginning of this month.
I really miss her.

It was wonderful to see her and spend some time with her! This is the longest I have gone without seeing my mom. In my whole life. All 3 of the colleges I went to were within an hour from home, so I was back about once a month.
It's been hard having her so far away!
The weather was fantastic while she was here.

We didn't do a ton, just played at the park or outside really. But that was just fine :)
yes, Adelyn does have a little something in her drawers here...

We did get donuts Saturday morning :)
Adelyn got a little spoiled :) Grandma bought her a princess tent...
and this fun riding toy...
Mason had fun just watching the action...
although he did get a bit more worn out than Adelyn did :)
bu he still really loves his Grandma!

It was hard to say goodbye....that's the worst part. Why does time always go so fast when you're with the people you love?!
Thanks for coming, Mom. We really miss you and love you; can't wait to see you again this summer!



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