
{for kiddos colds} I really love....

 PediaCare Gentle Vapors plug-ins and Little Colds Honey Elixir for my kiddos when they are sick!
The littlest members of our family have been battling colds around here. Colds and babies are not a good combo. Sleep eludes everyone due to the coughing, sore throats, plugged noses, and crying from all of the above.
This time, I went into battle a little more prepared :)
These 2 products (and our cool mist humidifiers on full blast) saved my sanity and gave us all a little  more sleep! :)

I tried the vapor plug-ins because the vapor rub on their chest is so goopy and would wear off. The plug ins last for 8 hours...and they are strong...I really feel like they helped the stuffy noses. The only thing is the night light on the unit is super bright and you can't turn it off, so I had to put electrical tape over the light portion :) 
Adelyn will not eat straight up honey, which is an awesome "cure" for sore throats and helps soothe coughs....but I can convince her to take Little Colds Honey Elixir (don't know why...they totally taste the same, except raw honey is alot thicker...must be a texture thing). Whenever she had a coughing fit, this took care of it. No joke.  It really helped Mason's sore throat and coughing too.
...I did use raw honey for Mason when I could get him to take it :)...and I did have eucalyptus oil going in the house during the day to help the noses....not gonna lie, the vapor plug ins aren't cheap!
So there you go. Hopefully someone will get some use out of our experience :)



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