
random catch up

This weekend was a hot one! High 90's...full sunshine...
so we spent most of the weekend doing this:
We got the water table at Costco. I had been eyeing it for a few weeks and we pulled the trigger last week :) I decided to forgo the stress of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum playing in the pool everyday....they rough-house alot and one of them is bound to drown.  Seriously.
So for everyday use, we have the water table and the sprinkler. Pool will be occasionally when I can sit in there with them. :)
The kids love it and Adelyn is always asking to "play with the cool water table".
After being outside in the heat most of the day yesterday....we had frozen yogurt for dinner. It was delicious. I don't feel bad about it at all :)
Adelyn has learned how to call people from my phone. She always calls Grandma Diane and will not give me the phone. I have to wrestle it from her and then she flips out and gets so mad.  I can't help but laugh because she takes these phone conversations SUPER seriously. (she is actually talking to my mom in this picture....I had to get a photo of it)
When we are inside, Addy and Mason LOVE to play in her room. They jump on the bed. They take out the books....they LOVE it.
Mason is a total daddy's boy. He woke up from his nap while Nick was mowing and immediately booked it to the door begging to go outside....being the awesome dad he is...Nick finished up like this :)
I got 2 rose bushes for Mother's Day last year. They are starting to bloom....Adelyn is obsessed with the current (and first) rose...it's so pretty. She is itching to pick it. :)
My sweet girl. She does the weird "cheese" grin alot, so it's fun when I can get a "natural" smirk ;)
Life is never dull.
Today Adelyn and I visited preschools and I think we have our winner! CVC Preschool was amazing and Adelyn jumped right in playing with the kids. The teachers were great and so nice. I had to drag her out of there!
I'm so excited for her to start in the fall!
It's 3 days a week for 7 (!!) hours.
Wowsers....WHAT will Mason and I do with ourselves?? :)
Thinking about it gives me a pit in my stomach...I'm excited, but sad because she's my baby girl!
I can't believe she'll be in school....
oh my...



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