
where we live...

So I love our home. Nick and I are blessed the house we do for being out of school for just under 4 years. However, recent events have made me not like the area our house is in. If I could pick it up and move it somewhere else I would.
Let me elaborate...
Just over a year ago we had a drunk driver run into our neighbor's front doors. It was about 1:30am and I was awake b/c I was working nights that week. I heart squealing of tires of and a loud crash...and our house shook...then I smelled burning rubber. I woke up Nick. Called 911 for the first time in my life and went outside to see what was going on...along with the rest of our neighbors. Our next door neighbor, Stephanie, was unfortunately stuck in her house with a truck in her front door. The driver had run (the police eventually caught up with him at his home). It was a long night needless to say....now whenever I hear tires squealing I tense up... you would think people would quit taking that first turn into our area so fast...I'm just waiting for one of the neighbor's kids to get hit next!
Then this summer we had some college kids move into the house across from us and behind us. They are loud. They get drunk and are obnoxious some nights. A few weeks ago there was a very loud shouting match involving some of them right outside our house....second time I have called 911.
Last night there were 3 police cars parked outside our house for about an hour. I don't know what was going on, but we heard them talking to one of the kids about second offense for underage drinking...I don't know if they were having a party that we luckily didn't hear or what....
anyway...I'm over it. I don't like the thought of being home by myself with my daughter with these freak0-s around here. I'm sure it happens in other neighborhoods too, but seriously. This is my home and I shouldn't have to be afraid....or woken up at 3am by yelling kids...or drunk drivers driving into houses...


Jessica Pennings Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at 10:27:00 PM PDT  

That's crazy, we had the same thing happen with the Tritons over here on this side of town. A drunk driver somehow ran into the neighbors house in the front row on the corner. He too ran, but they caught him. I hope things get better over there before your little girl comes. All I can encourage you do to is pray. :)


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