

So I know...this is my second blog in less than 24 hours...but I've been sitting stewing on something and I just need to share.

After Nick and I were married, the next big question was "when are you having kids?" and then "how many kids do you want?"....my answer always was (and still is) 4-5 kids. The look of shock or pity would inevitably follow along with "good luck" or "really? why?".

I grew up with 3 younger brothers...while I didn't always like them tailing around me...I love bigger families. After my mom remarried 7 years ago...my step-dad's 4 kids joined the brood.... now 3 of them are married which makes 7 kids and then there are 2 granddaughters in the mix. Christmas and Thanksgiving is INSANE....but I LOVE IT.

Anyway...back to my thought. A few months ago, I was on my way home from work and they were interviewing someone (I don't remember) and they were talking about American priorities versus the rest of the world and how Muslims outnumber true Christians by more than 50%...the comment he made has stuck with me. He said "one of the reasons there are less true believers in America is because of our skewed priorities. Americans are so caught up in saving, wanting and keeping that to make up for that, they are having less children...maybe 1 or 2...so they still have more money, things, time for themselves. Muslims in America outnumber Christians by more than half. They value family and belief first...having more children and therefore raising that many more Muslims"....

Okay, so I didn't get the quote exactly right, but the point is still the same. I completely agree with him. When Nick and I got engaged we found there were people who were concerned with where we stood financially...could we afford to get married?

Then when talking about kids, people would say "wait and save your money...get financially stable first...kids are expensive". Nick and I did plan on waiting about 3 years before trying to start a family...obviously God had a different plan in mind. :)

Anyway...I got so tired of the "financial" conversation. No, Nick and I aren't swimming in dough...but we are okay. Even if we were expecting triplets right now instead of one baby, we would be FINE....stressed, but fine :) God always provides...even when we are having a hard time trusting that He will....I know it would mean more skimmed down living....but that doesn't matter! I want a large family because I love the thought of having so many to love...but another reason is, I want a large family to give more soldiers of the Lord back to God. I want to multiply our family so that we have that many more believers to send out into the world. I pray that the kids we are able to have will come to love the Lord...that they will give their hearts, souls and minds to Him....but more importantly, HIS WILL BE DONE.

Now, I'm not saying that people who want or have 1, 2, 0r 3 kids are in the wrong...not by any means. Some people may not have the patience for alot of kids...maybe that's all they want because that's all they want....or they want to use their money and time to go overseas or serve the Lord and are able to better do that with a small family. Whatever the reason....it's their choice!

I'm stating why I want a large family and why I want people to stop being so shocked and acting like it's this insanely crazy thing for me to want that!

Ask Nick where he stands on this and the thought of that many kids makes his face go white, but at the same time...I think our being pregnant now has shown him a love he hasn't experienced yet and maybe the Lord will change his heart and he may want more than 3 or 4.

Anyway...I have more thoughts on this, but I think I've said enough. In the meantime, I'm thankful for the baby growing inside of me. It's been amazing to see Nick be so excited to be a dad and meet his daughter...I know he's willing to do this again :)

....maybe we can compromise on 4. :)


Kristen Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 6:25:00 AM PDT  

Hi Abby,
You probably don't remember me from Cornerstone & Salt, but Heath & I read your blog occasionally. I have been so impressed and encouraged by your attitude of trusting God to provide for your expanding family. (Congratulations!!!)
It's nice to see another family going against the norm and being creative with baby gear, etc. (Our daughter's room is in the laundry room.)

Anyway, just wanted to say that I appreciated this post! Take care & enjoy the last bit of pregnancy!


Angela Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 6:53:00 AM PDT  


I'm glad you don't buy into society's view that kids are just an expensive inconvenience. Children are a blessing from the Lord and arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior!

I'm so excited to meet your baby (and hopefully there will be many more to meet down the road)!


Melissa Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 1:10:00 PM PDT  

AMEN! People ask if we are done, and I say, we are just getting started! :)

Kiley Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 7:45:00 PM PST  

I really enjoyed reading this post... thanks for sharing your thoughts! :)


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