
am I ready for this look yet??

...definitely NOT!
Today Bekah and I took Claire and Adelyn with us to the highway 141 garage sales . Now, if you live in Iowa or remotely nearby...you HAVE to check this out. The sales start at Grimes and go all the way to Manilla, IA. We hit--no lie--at least 15 garage sales in Granger today...and that's not even remotely making a dent! It's amazing... :)
ANYWAY. I got this backpack for Adelyn for 50 cents...I put it on her and she would not take it off! It was totally cracking me up. I'm not ready for her to be carting this thing to a school, yet, though. :)
Needless to say, I followed her around for about 10 minutes trying to get her to "show me your teeth" (aka: smile) for at least 2 seconds so I could get a good picture, but she just wasn't in the mood. Claire was over and they were too busy. :)
Finally, she came over to me while I had the camera and I'm 99% sure she was scolding me for following her around with the camera...
Have I introduced you to Claire-bear, yet? This is Adelyn's BFF, Claire Bella...is she not the sweetest? :)
She was born in April after Adelyn. These two are like sisters. They are so funny to watch. Zeb and Bekah are dear friends of ours (we love you guys!!). They live just a few houses down, so it's easy just to meander on over there (or vice versa) when someone is bored ;)  They are expecting their second--another girl!--in about 3 weeks...we are super excited! :)
Again, I followed these two around forever trying to get a cute picture of them together, but they just weren't interested....oh well :)
Here's to wonderful friendships!


Nate and Natalie Saturday, August 7, 2010 at 6:13:00 AM PDT  

Super cute how she wore her backpack. Elyse loves hers too. I know when they go off to school, it's going to be so much harder for us, gurantee I cry like a baby.

Love the pigtails!


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