
tick tock....i guess

Yesterday morning around 6:15 am I was at work at the nurses's station doing some charting. All of a sudden I got this horrible stabbing pain on my left side that radiated around to the front of my abdomen. At first I thought it was like an awful gas pain, so I stood up (bad idea, it hurt so bad!) and pushed a wheeled chair up and down the hall for a bit to see if I could walk it off....
basically the pain did not go away. I couldn't stand up straight to walk and it was starting to make me feel sick. I started having super contractions which made the pain worse. I decided I wasn't going to be able to drive home, so right when my shift ended at 7am, I called Nick to have him come get me....
The conversation went like this"

"um, I think you need to come get me"
"are you serious??"
"I'm not in labor, but I'm having this awful pain and I can't drive home"
"okay, I'll be there soon"

After we hung up, all the day shift nurses had arrived and asked what was wrong...at this point I was hurting so bad and couldn't move I just started crying (they were used to that by this point :)). After some discussion, they decided I needed to go over to Maternity Triage (which I really didn't want to) to get checked out. One of them called Nick to tell him I was going over the East Tower while Doug (bless his heart) wheeled me over in a wheelchair. I felt like such a dork. People see a pregnant nurse in a wheelchair, they don't know what to think, so they stare.
We got over there...they admitted me! I just wanted to know that everything was okay! I had the gown, the monitors...they whole bit. By the time Nick got there I was crying again (from pain and irritation). The nurse called our Dr. who thought maybe I was dehydrated from all the contractions I was having ( 30-90 seconds long and basically one after the other)...so they started an IV (ugh) and I got a liter of fluid. It helped a ton...the contractions relieved, but I was still having the awful side pain, but it lessened a bit.
They checked my cervix a couple of times and I hadn't changed....2 centimeters, dilated 75% effaced (thinned) and baby's head is super duper low....
Basically I've been home since...this pain is still there...I still have a hard time walking and can't stand up straight or move very well from it....they said I'm in early labor...so tonight, regardless of how I'm feeling, we are walking walking walking....
Nick has been so good. He stayed and worked from home yesterday while I slept....I feel better when he's home :) I'm still having contractions, just not as much....they said they wouldn't be surprised if we were back in full labor by next Wednesday, but I'm not getting my hopes up :)
I'm just ready to be done.... :)


Melissa Friday, January 9, 2009 at 12:24:00 PM PST  

Yipee!!! I just love the anticipation at the end of a pregnancy!!! I'm so excited for you, Abby. Please keep us updated...DAILY!!

Angela Friday, January 9, 2009 at 1:17:00 PM PST  

The time is drawing near!! How exciting!

Jessica Pennings Saturday, January 10, 2009 at 5:44:00 AM PST  

Hey Abby- I'm sorry that you have been in so much pain since yesterday! But how exciting that you are almost done. I had the same contractions that lasted 30-90 seconds and were on top of each other so I know your pain. Is it possible the pain you are feeling might be back labor, I know you say it's in your side but just a thought. I had back labor and it confused me so much at the start of labor. Hope you can receive some comfort soon. Can't wait to hear when she makes her way into this world!

nealy Sunday, January 11, 2009 at 1:41:00 PM PST  

That's so exciting, Abby (minus the pain part)! Good luck with everything...can't wait to see pictures of baby Flies! We'll be praying for you guys.


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