
what we have been up to...

That's right, my baby girl is potty trained! :)
Seriously, the only way I could get her to sit on the pot for more than a few seconds was to let her watch Care Bears on the ipad.
Yes, I am that mom. It worked, so I don't care what the APA would have to say about that. ;)
Yes, that is a basket of books next to her. That is now our current method of "potty entertainment". Although, she doesn't really need it because she goes almost the second she sits down! Woot woot!
No, we did not use the 3 day boot camp method (although we did consider it....by the way, the ebook is NOT worth the $17)...I didn't have the time to be cooped in the house and Nick didn't have more than a day and a half to spare to help watch Mason. I let her pick out her potty a few weeks ago, but was waiting for a time when we didn't have company or something else going on. We started last Monday of sitting on the pot every hour until she went. We had alot of accidents the first 2 days, then it just clicked.
She wears pull ups for naps and bedtime. She wakes up dry from her naps now and goes right when we get her up....
I'm so proud of my baby! :) She gets a sticker and a skittle every time she goes.....and she gets so excited!
We have had some successful outtings....the only accident outside of the house was at the park yesterday and she had a little doodie...woops....
We are still working on #2...we have thrown away half of our underwear supply, so no success there yet....but we are getting there ;)
What else is new? We had 2 special visitors from last Wednesday until today :) More to come on those fun times.
Stay tuned...

***since posting this, I've had a few emails asking what I did to potty train Addy.  I sort of jumbled parts of the 3 day plan and advice I had from numerous moms to fit what I thought would work for our stubborn little girl ;)
A bit before we started, I let her pick out her little toilet and her underwear (I bought about 30 pairs because I knew some would be going in the garbage). I had her toilet in the bathroom for about 2 weeks before we decided it was time. She got used to it being there and even started sitting on it (with pants on) to read books and play.
Monday morning, she got up and I told her we were going to start using the big girl potty and no more diapers. She fought me all day (and still does every once in a while) about sitting on the pot. She just didn't want to do it (thank you, ipad and books). Every hour or so, we would have her sit until she went...if 20 minutes went by and she still hadn't gone, we'd let her get up.
We didn't make a big deal when she had an accident. We just reminded her each time that it wasn't okay and "no, don't potty in your panties".
The first 2 days we had quiet a few accidents. She would sit on the pot without going, and then a few minutes after she got off, she would pee her pants (grrr). Then Wednesday, it clicked and she started having less accidents.
We don't go every hour now, but after she drinks something, I give her about 30 minutes and have her go sit. If it's been a while since she's gone (like 1.5 hours), I'll have her go. And she goes when she gets up from sleeping and before she goes down for naps and bedtime.  She is getting better about telling me when she has to go too, but I still have to ask often ;)
So there ya go....that's what we did. Take it for what it's worth ;)


alan and steph Wednesday, May 18, 2011 at 7:25:00 AM PDT  

Way to go Addy!!!! How about you ship that iPad to AZ when Nora is ready for potty training??? ;) I think it's the "ticket"


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